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Inlays / onlays

Dental inlay and onlay procedures remedy less serious dental issues including fractures and cracks. Dental inlay and onlay procedures are used to repair mild to moderately decayed rear teeth, as well as fractured or cracked teeth that do not warrant crowns. The dental inlay and onlay used in tooth restoration is made from tooth-colored material garnering more natural-looking results. Dental inlays and onlays are also used to assist in tooth restoration by acting as tooth-colored filling to replace old metal fillings.


Inlays and onlays are typically made from porcelain. With a dental inlay, teeth are fitted to cover the crack or cavity. The dental inlay for teeth is then cemented into place. Onlays are traditionally used when reconstruction of one or more teeth is needed. Opting for an onlay instead of a crown means more of the tooth’s structure remains intact.